Membantu collaborates with Witt Hvidevarer A/S, which, among other things, is our distributor and service partner regarding complaints. In order to be able to help you as best as possible with your complaint, please fill in the service form below. We will then return as soon as possible. Membantu service form Email * Notice! We will reply to this email address. Extra Email. Only use this field if you want to be replyed on multiple email adresses. Otherwise leave it empty. Customer * Address * Postalcode * City * Country * Phone number * Retailer * Retailer Address * Retailer Postalcode * Retailer City * Retailer Phone * Contactperson Purchase date * Own service number. Vedhæft kopi af købskvittering samt billede af opsætningen af produktet Who has submitted the form * Who has submitted the form Customer Retailer To whom should the product be returned to after repair ? * To whom should the product be returned to after repair ? Customer Retailer Model * Serial number * When did the problem occur ? Leave This Empty! Description of the problem * Max 500 characters. Please wait!