Witt pizza ovens service form Email * Notice! We will reply to this email address. Extra Email. Only use this field if you want to be replyed on multiple email adresses. Otherwise leave it empty. Customer * Address * Postalcode * City * Country * Phone number * Retailer * Retailer Address * Retailer Postalcode * Retailer City * Retailer Phone * Contactperson Purchase date * When did the problem occur ? * Leave This Empty! Own service number. Attach copy of purchase receipt as well. Possibly. image of defect Who has submitted the form * Who has submitted the form Customer Retailer To whom should the product be returned to after repair ? * To whom should the product be returned to after repair ? Customer Retailer Model * Serial number * Description of the problem * Max 500 characters. I confirm that the following is read, and agree to pay the said costs. If the error is related to a lack of cleaning, or other self-inflicted damage, there is a service fee of 80€ + possibly. consumed spare parts. Please pay the fee before the robot is repaired and returned. If the product is received without the enclosed Witt service form and purchase receipt or if there is no defect in a submitted product, there is a service fee of 55 €. Purchase receipt and service form must be sent and the service fee must be paid before the product is repaired and returned. The product must NOT be submitted before approval by Witt's technical department! Please wait!